More weird stuff…
Sarah has a boy named Fakih (pronounced Fah-kee) in one of her classes and even Indonesian kids make fun of his name
Our school has been “preparing” to move for about three months now – as of this week I no longer have an air conditioner in my classroom
Sarah actually hit a guy with her bag who was persistently following too close behind a few weeks ago
I found a way to work The Smiths into a lesson
“Lost” Season 3 is not as disappointing as everyone said it was
Sarah accidentally brought home some porn on our portable flash drive from the internet café… oh, wait. Yeah. That’s not such a strange thing at any country’s internet café…
We got to see one of Indonesian Idol’s stars perform at a mall – there were hundreds of people there to see him
I haven’t eaten at Pizza Hut this much since I was in high school
We got to see Indonesian recording star Atlas getting mobbed at another mall
Some quotes from the menu at Black Canyon Coffee, where the “…coffee is as black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, and sweet as love!”:
“Provocative shower of taste…”
“Share with your sweetheart or with your favorite group of yuppies…”
“Taste it and try it.”
1 comment: that italian or american sausage on your pizza hut pizza...oh, that's right, never they serve chocolate pudding on the salad bar?
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